Title: Utilizing Health Care Informatics in the Emergency Room Setting

Always include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph in your writing.
Your paper should include answers to the following:
What does the emergency room use health care informatics for?
Specifically, what type of data, information, and knowledge does you unit obtain through the use of health care informatics?
What type of hardware does the emergency room use?
What types of software does your unit use? (EPIC, My chart)
Does the facility have an intranet? (Yes) If so, what is it used for?
In what ways does the emergency room use electronic documentation? If you currently do not use electronic documentation, describe your unit’s future plans for implementing electronic documentation.
What type of standardized terminology do you use in your practice?
You are required to provide evidence to support your statements in your submissions. The level of evidence you use to support your statements in your assignment submissions is important and must be properly cited and referenced. Scholarly resources should be

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