Title: “Voices of Subjugation and Theories of Liberation: Connecting Oppressed Peoples’ Struggles and Aspirational Visions for Social Justice”

In this class we have seen different sites/conflicts from which different processes of
subjugation and theories of liberation have been voiced. (ALL SOURCES NEEDED ATTATCHED)
1) In their pamphlet Combahee River Collective (CRC) ushers in the revolutionary subject
– gendered, racialized- experiencing interlocking oppression with an anti-capitalist and
womanist vision. They say, “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples
necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and
imperialism as well as patriarchy.” How does CRC articulate/connect oppressed people’s
struggles and how does their program seek to overcome and transform it to create
feminist futures? (in 150 words)
2) Despite the daunting realities of subjugation and its legacies the anti-war politics of Du
Bois and the Vietnamese struggle for self-determination show how people launched
resistances against imperial extraction, sexism, racism and militarism/policing. These
movements give us an aspirational vision for liberation, self-determination, and an
egalitarian society. Giving equal weight to Du Bois’ I take a stand for peace; and Ho Chi
Minh’s letter to Johnson and the Vietnamese declaration of independence show how do
these struggles balance local self-defense and community autonomy with an inclusive
worldview which situates their struggles within global struggles for social justice? (300

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