“The Impact of Information Systems on Business Operations and Products/Services”

Chapter 1 Review Questions (Canvas)
Answer ONE of the review questions.
Your original post must be by Thursday at 11:59 pm. 
Then, by Sunday, do one of the following:
Answer another question that was not chosen by anyone AND respond to another person’s original post, elaborating on the information.
Respond to two other people’s posts, elaborating on the information.
A post that answers a question  must be at least 100 words and should reference the text.  You must put your word count in parenthesis at the end of your post.
A response to someone else’s post should include information from at least one external scholarly source (use the library databases or scholar.google.com).
You must use APA formatting for your citations and include the References at the end.  Be sure to reference the APA module – there is great information there.
Describe how information systems have changed the way businesses operate and their products and services.

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