The Role of Biology in Explaining Crime and Deviance: Examining Early and Modern Approaches to Criminology

Is ‘biology’ important in explaining crime and deviance? Explain your answer with reference to early and modern biological approaches to criminology.
You must answer, in 2000 words (plus or minus 10 percent), ONE of the questions listed at the end of these instructions.
To pass this assessment:
a) your work must be submitted via Turnitin, by 3pm on 15th May, 2024, using the correct turnitin link (this will appear in due course)
b) Your work must be in essay format. This means:
i) it must be presented in the same typeface throughout.
ii) it must be written in sentences, with an introduction, main body and conclusion (no bullet points, diagrams or graphs. Sub headings should be avoided). 
iii) your essay needs to be clearly and accurately referenced throughout, using the Harvard system.
iv) your work must include an appropriately-presented bibliography at the end giving full details of all the in-text references you have used. 
v) your work must be readable, so please also check your work carefully for spelling and grammatical accuracy. Get someone else to check your work and use the read aloud function on word

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