– 4 parts
– 300 minumum for each part
– No plagerism or AI. Turnitin will be used for grading
– For each part, write about how the website can help you once you become a teacher and what resources the website has for you to use in a classroom
– Website and topic need to be labed clearly
Part 1: Rethink Your Drink: https://calfreshhealthyliving.cdph.ca.gov/en/tips/Pages/Rethink-Your-Drink.aspx
Part 2: US Food and Drug Administration: http://www.fda.gov/
Part 3: Lets Talk Cannabis: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/DO/letstalkcannabis/Pages/LetsTalkCannabis.aspx
Part 4: Mouth Healthy: https://www.mouthhealthy.org/
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