“Exploring African American History: The Impact of Black Power and the Great Migration on 21st Century Challenges” “Reclaiming Power: The Role of Black Women in the Black Power Movement of the 1960s and 70s”

Pick any chapter (Other than Chapter #1) in the Karenga Text that resonates with you. At the end of the chapter are questions. Pick 4 of those questions (You may use the “study questions” or the “critical thinking questions” for your final paper. Post those 4 questions on your Cover Page. Detail the Chapter #, Name, and the corresponding question # for each of them. Then follow the guidelines below:
Ex. Chapter #4 Black History: Africans in America
#3. What was the basis for enslavement and some of its basic aspects?
#5, What were some of the basic reasons for the failure of Reconstruction?
#6. What were some of the reasons for the Great Migration?
#11. What are some major challenges of the beginning 21st century?
The Final Paper is due on 5/17/24 at 12 pm NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
If I were you, given this structure I would do some research for my scholarly resource before settling on a question. Please take my advice. Or not. Many won’t. I have been teaching for 22 years, many students will not follow the detailed and simple instructions.
Your paper should be structured as follows.
On the cover, you should have your Questions fully written out. 1-4.
The body of the paper should be segmented with Question#1, fully written out followed by paragraphs containing your research. Then Question#2, fully written out…
1. The final paper must be at least 5 FULL pages long (1250 words) excluding the cover page (Title and Questions must be on the cover page) and works cited page. The method of citation should be in MLA format.
2. In your final paper you must use at least 2 (or more) scholarly resources (Journal articles only!) Use the online Sojourner Truth library database. And/or ask a librarian, they enjoy helping. 
A. 1 “direct quotation” from the Karenga chapter reading for each question (a minimum total of 4) must be included in the paper and identified with (K#1, K#2, etc.. at the end of the reference).
B. 1 “direct quotation” for each question from any in-class (a total of 4) topic, proverb, reading or video (excluding the Karenga reading). It must be carefully detailed (just don’t be vague, if I have to question whether the topic was even engaged you must remember that my opinion, in this case, matters more than you may want to admit) and identified with (IC#1, IC#2 etc…at the end of the reference).
C. 1 of the 2 (or more) Scholarly Resources must be “directly quoted” in each question ( a total of 4 –or more for the entire paper—1 per question minimum)— (This is in addition to the K# and IC# requirement) must be referenced (quoted) and identifiers with (SR#1, SR#2 at the end of the reference).
To keep the papers consistent in form for grading ALL PAPERS SHOULD FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING FORMAT.
1. Title Page with ALL of your questions literally written out. (I need to know exactly what is being researched)
2. In the paper you must literally write “Question #1” (Then write out the approved question fully i.e.) Followed by your research with the objectives and identifiers included in a few paragraphs. And again, and again…
3. Did you make sure to include the appropriate identifier at the end of the sentence that fulfills it IN BOLD. K#1, K#2… IC#1, IC#2… SR#1, SR#2… (You will not have more than 1 K#1 in the entire paper…all notations are cumulative).
4. Did you include your formatted “Works Cited?”
5. Did you synthesize the information adequately by clearly developing the relationship between your objectives and the research questions?
EXAMPLE (If the structure of your final does not follow these guidelines you will be severely penalized)
Question #1: What is Black Power and what was the initial image associated with the phrase “Black Power”?
Black Power is a movement supporting the rights and political power for Black people that initially took place in the 1960s and 70s. In the journal, Black Power, the author stated, “Black Power refers to the black man’s power of control over himself, not (as some believe) his control over the white man-especially not in the sense of physical force. The Black Power movement (teaching Blacks that they do have some control over their destinies) is one of the upgrading of black men everywhere” (MacDonald, page 547, SR#1). This represents the importance of Black people reclaiming their power and taking control over their own history and experiences and it emphasized their racial pride. The initial image that was associated with “Black Power” was either inspiring or from the perspective of white people it was frightful images of Black people because they were fearful of the movement. This was described in the journal, Black Women and Black Power, the author stated, “The phrase ‘Black Power!’ usually evoked inspiring, or frightful, images of black men in the late 1960s. They wore black berets, Afros, dark sunglasses, and slick leather coats” (Williams, page 22, SR#2). This shows how initially there was this correlation of Black Power and Black men meaning that Black women were left out or isolated from the movement because of the lack of representation and Black women perspective. The journal also discussed how the movement was also represented with a raised fist. This raised fist was a symbol of fighting oppression and self-determination. Karenga touches on Black Power when he stated, “The discipline of Black Studies is rooted in the social visions and struggles of the 60’s which aimed at Black power, liberation and a higher level of human life and thus from its inception, it has had both an academic and social thrust and mission” (Karenga, page 3, K#1). Karenga describes the foundation of Black Studies along with the goals it aimed to reach and accomplish and part of that was through the Black Power movement. This discipline allows Black people to gain the power back over their own communities to take control over the decisions that affect their communities. The Black Power movement emphasized the experiences of Black men and how racism affects Black men and the image associated with Black Power involved picturing men fighting against these injustices. This can be tied into the article, “Womanist Issues in Black Studies: Towards Integrating Africana Womanism into Africana Studies”, the author states, “Gordon contends black liberation represents freedom from racism and sexism, and as such black women should not have to compartmentalize themselves into segments of race versus gender. Both black men’s and black women’s central goal is to be liberated, and it can happen only if both are fairly treated” (Aldridge, page 164, IC#1). This ties into the fact that Black Power initially had a main focal point on Black men, and it reiterates the idea that in order to fight for liberation one must take into account all aspects and identities of Black individuals and therefore include all perspectives including Black women, in order to truly reach the goal of liberation and reclaim power over their history, experiences, and communties.
(i chose chapter three)

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