For your third essay assignment, you will be working with one  contemporary film

For your third essay assignment, you will be working with one  contemporary films on religion:  Bible Quiz.
THe thesis of an essay will appear at the end of the introduction and make a specific claim. The essay should be 3 ½ – 4 pages (no longer than this), typed and double spaced with twelve point font and one inch margins. Use standard MLA format.
To frame the essay, choose from the following “ways/methods of studying religion”
The essay will be a review and analysis of the bible quiz film. About one page of the essay should be summary (your original summary after watching the film or films; do not copy from Wikipedia, IMDB, …or other summary sites). After your summary, work to analyze the film using one or more of ways/methods listed above. How does using your way/methods help with understanding the film?
IMPORTANT: This is NOT just a summary of what happens. The essay will analyze the film to show your interpretation and insights.
You need only use the textbook, film(s), and lecture notes as resources. No research is required or expected.
Start with prewriting to develop ideas. Then, work to create an outline before moving to a draft. I am always available to assist at any point in the writing process, so always feel free to contact me about ideas or challenges.
You can only use the book and bible quiz film for refernece no other outside sources