Scenario: You are a HIM department supervisor, and you have been appointed to th

You are a HIM department supervisor, and you have been appointed to the interview panel for a candidate seeking a coding position in your department.  Include the Job description you created in Week #1. 
Assume that several applicants have applied, and you are ready to interview them with a panel of supervisory personnel, including Human resources and the billing office supervisor. 
Create 5 question topics you will ask your candidate in your interview.  You need questions that will assess the candidate in a short period of time. 
For each question,  use the format in the example below to summarize the type of information you are looking for in the answer, both positive and negative answers, and why(analysis)
Topic: Soft Skills with Patient Services (ie ROI requests)
Question: “Can you tell me how you would handle a difficult situation dealing with customer (patient) service, such as a complaint? How would you approach the situation, and what is the best outcome that you would seek?”
Positive response from a candidate:  I would listen, empathize, and collaborate with supervisors if needed for a solution to an unfamiliar problem.  The goal would be to calmly resolve the problem within the scope of my role and the restrictions of HIPAA, compliance, and organizational policy. 
Negative Response from the candidate: “I haven’t really had difficult client interactions. I usually just try to keep the peace. The customer is always right.” 
Analysis: The positive response shows problem-solving skills, empathy, and proactive customer management. The negative response suggests a lack of experience or willingness to handle challenging situations.
See the Rubric for grading: 
Include references in APA format, and proofread your work.
Unit 8 Final Assignmnet HIM 252 Interview Questions
Unit 8 Final Assignmnet HIM 252 Interview Questions
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions #1
The question shows an interview question strategy to determine the candidate’s skills. The question is open-ended and pertinent, and responses are provided to highlight what would be considered positive and negative responses. The analysis is directed toward the required skills of the job description.
9 pts
Full Marks
The question is open-ended and pertinent; the responses are analyzed appropriately.
4.5 pts
Lacks the requirements and quality expected.
0 pts
No Marks
Not original or lacks effort,
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions #2
The question shows an interview question strategy to determine the candidate’s skills. The question is open-ended and pertinent, and responses are provided to highlight what would be considered positive and negative responses. The analysis is directed toward the required skills of the job description.
9 pts
Full Marks
The question is open-ended and pertinent; the responses are analyzed appropriately.
4.5 pts
Lacks the requirements and quality expected.
0 pts
No Marks
Not original or lacks effort,
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions #3
The question shows an interview question strategy to determine the candidate’s skills. The question is open-ended and pertinent, and responses are provided to highlight what would be considered positive and negative responses. The analysis is directed toward the required skills of the job description.
9 pts
Full Marks
The question is open-ended and pertinent; the responses are analyzed appropriately.
4.5 pts
Lacks the requirements and quality expected.
0 pts
No Marks
Not original or lacks effort,
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions #4
The question shows an interview question strategy to determine the candidate’s skills. The question is open-ended and pertinent, and responses are provided to highlight what would be considered positive and negative responses. The analysis is directed toward the required skills of the job description.
9 pts
Full Marks
The question is open-ended and pertinent; the responses are analyzed appropriately.
4.5 pts
Lacks the requirements and quality expected.
0 pts
No Marks
Not original or lacks effort,
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions #5
The question shows an interview question strategy to determine the candidate’s skills. The question is open-ended and pertinent, and responses are provided to highlight what would be considered positive and negative responses. The analysis is directed toward the required skills of the job description.
9 pts
Full Marks
The question is open-ended and pertinent; the responses are analyzed appropriately.
4.5 pts
Lacks the requirements and quality expected.
0 pts
No Marks
Not original or lacks effort,
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocument quality
Format is as required, Job description is included. APA reference list is included, Adequate proofreading.
5 pts
Excellent/very good
3 pts
0 pts
5 pts
Total Points: 50