This is for a Natural Resource Policy class, informal paper. (makeup assignment)

This is for a Natural Resource Policy class, informal paper. (makeup assignment) 
1.5 page answeting the following: 
Who are the main federal land management agencies?
What is the mission of each agency?
What do they do?
What limitations do they face?
Why is public land management so controversial
*What are the similarities and differences between the four federal land managment agencies? for each agency describe two distinct elements (unique features) and two similarities (be sure that the distinct elements only apply to this agency). Do not          include obvious answers like department location or that they are federal agencies, etc.**
The rest of paper should focus on following: 
Why is the proposed road controversial in Izembek? Use existing statistics to answer these questions. What stakeholder groups support the road. What arguments are used in support? What stakeholder groups oppose the road? What arguments are used to support their views? How has the Department of the Interior viewed this road over time? How have different Administrations viewed the road? What motivations may be involved in changing views on this topic? How has the Alaskan Congressional Delegation viewed this road? Why?    Is road building allowed in wilderness areas? Please explain.
*** NO AI PLEASE ***