Title: Exploring Both Sides of the Debate: A Research Paper on a Controversial Topic in Cognitive Psychology

Students are required to submit a research
paper on their choice of topic as long as it falls within the realm of Cognitive Psychology. Students may
also choose to simply expand on the same topic that they chose for the presentation. Once you have
chosen your topic, you are asked to choose and designate which paper option you would prefer: 
Option A
Choose a debate/research question within cognitive psychology and explore both sides of the
argument. As you discuss both sides of the debate, make sure to present the pros and cons of the
arguments before heading into the final section of your paper. In the final section, you will introduce your
opinion of the argument including which side you agree with while backing up your claims.
paper requirements including: 12 point, Times New Roman font, 8-10 pages
double spaced including abstract but not including Title, or reference sections. APA formatting is
necessary as this is a psychology course. Research papers do not include first person language but in the
final sections, it will be allowed. As this is a research paper, at least 6 references are required, but having
more is encouraged

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