Title: The Blindfold of Justice: Examining the Impact of Political and Operational Perspectives on Minorities and the Economically Disadvantaged in the Criminal Justice System Introduction The concept of justice is often associated with fairness, impartiality, and

Write an essay of 1,250-1,500 words that thoroughly explores the idea that justice is blind. Address the following in your paper:
The impacts of both the political perspectives and operational perspectives of crime control on minorities and the economically disadvantaged.
From your findings discuss which of the four goals of crime control is better achieved by each perspective? Describe why that goal is better achieved than the others.
Consider these facts: more than 70% of the U.S. prison population is composed of minorities, and minorities are more often victims of crime. Do you believe that minorities are unfairly profiled, arrested, and prosecuted and, therefore, unprotected by the Justice system?
Use the GCU Library to locate four to six peer-reviewed sources in support of your content.

The post Title: The Blindfold of Justice: Examining the Impact of Political and Operational Perspectives on Minorities and the Economically Disadvantaged in the Criminal Justice System


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