Purpose Opinion Editorials (Op-Eds) often address interesting, popular, or new i

Opinion Editorials (Op-Eds) often address interesting, popular, or new issues. Readers can learn something new and important in about 750 words. Op-Eds typically appear in newspapers or other news outlets and are written for a specific audience and the writer chooses the audience that they want to address (usually the readership of the particular newspaper…think The Crimson White). A few examples could be your hometown newspaper (addressing your community) or the university newspaper (addressing your university community or the Greek community. Published Op-Eds are potentially read by hundreds, thousands, or even millions of readers.
Op-Eds often begin with a hook opening that grabs the reader’s attention very quickly. Since Op Eds are short, they are super focused and the writer must get to the point very quickly. If I asked you to verbally explain the purpose of your Op-Ed, you should be able to explain in 1-2 sentences. Op-Eds have a clearly defined point of view, as they are opinion editorials, but your opinion must be supported by data (figures, facts, statistics, etc.). Aim for 80% new information (data) and 20% opinion.
Your Op Ed should be persuasive and make it clear why people should care about your topic, and your personal voice should come through in your writing style. To strengthen your position and enhance your credibility, you should address the opposing side’s (or sides’) strongest argument against your position. 
You must also provide specific recommendations on how to go about addressing the problem. Be as specific as you can. Funding naloxone programs? Expanding Medicaid so people have access to substance use treatment? Providing mental health support for students so they reduce or stop Adderall misuse? Whatever you suggest, keep in mind the social determinants and the role of decriminalization if applicable. What social conditions are contributing to the problem you’re addressing? How can we solve for those? We’ve learned all semester about how prohibition and criminalization (e.g., war on drugs) makes these problems significantly worse. How do we keep people as safe as possible, respect their bodily autonomy and reduce stigma? Pretend you have a magic wand and you suddenly have the power/funding to make some BIG changes. Support your position with 3 peer-reviewed articles (e.g., studies that have tested interventions, articles that make policy recommendations, etc). 
Choose a Topic
A few ideas are below. Remember, your topic must be related to substance use. You may base it on your representative letter or choose a new topic. However, if you base it on your representative letter, you may notuse the exact same text again. 
•       Alcohol misuse among college students
•       ADHD drug misuse among college students (Adderall for example)
•       Vaping among high school or college students
•       E-cigarette taxes/bans
•       Removing police from psychiatric & substance use-related calls
•       Substance use-related stigma
•       Mental health, pandemic, substance misuse
•       Opioid epidemic overlooking communities of color
•       Affordable Care Act, Medicaid expansion, access to substance use treatment
•       Marijuana legalization, medical marijuana
•       Decriminalization
•       Harm reduction (naloxone, needle exchange, overdose prevention sites)