I need slides with the following instructions,This assighnment is did your prese

I need slides with the following instructions,This assighnment is did your presentation give us a sense of the conflict resolution technique and how it applies to the theology and history of Christ? Does it give us an adequate cultural background? Does is show both the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches to conflict? Style (20 pts) Did you use PowerPoint, videos, or interactive class presentation? Did it include a role play to give us a sense of how the practice looks like in an actual conflict? In other words, did it look good and was it interactive? Bonus points for food! Theory (30 pts) How well did you explicitly incorporate 2 to 3 theories from class into your presentation? From the book Proclaim Peace, The Restoration’s Answer to an Age of Coflict the book is wriiten by Patrick Q. Manson & J David Pulsipher,Focus on chapter 9 with the topic The Positive Peace of Zion however theories can be taken throughot the book. This assighnment is for for my Intercultural peacebuilding class and ideas for some games that class can do related to the topic.