*critically assess the main arguments posed by the assigned readings and videos.  This q paper is based on the first part of the PBS Documentary “Eyes on the Prize” titled “Awakening, 1954-1956” (link to the documentary is below) https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/eyes-on-the-prize Links to an external site.

*critically assess the main arguments posed by the assigned readings and videos. 
This q paper is based on the first part of the PBS Documentary “Eyes on the Prize” titled “Awakening, 1954-1956” (link to the documentary is below)
https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/eyes-on-the-prize Links to an external site.
Please answer the two below questions:
1. What was the significance of the murder of Emmett Till to the Civil Rights Movement?
(your answer should identify three separate factors connected to this murder that benefitted the CRM).
2. What factors (organizational and others) contributed to the success of the efforts to end segregation in public transportation in Montgomery, Alabama?
(your answer should include at least three different factors; I will not get credit by limiting my answer to any individual leaders involved in the boycott).