Directions: 1. Identify an individual whom you personally know; they should be s

1. Identify an individual whom you personally know; they should be someone whom you know well.
2. Reflect on your relationship with this person. Discuss this person with others whom may know them well.
3 Answer each of the following questions, and include as much detail as possible.
4. Use complete sentences.
5. Do not delete the questions; treat this document like a worksheet.
1.) Who will you write about? Why do you want to write about this person? How do you know this person?
2.) What kind of profile will you write? For example, will you focus on a specific moment in the person’s life, an average day, a moment when he or she had 15 minutes of fame, or a psychological examination? (Note: The time period should range from a few hours to several months.)
4.) What do I want readers to know about this person? Why?
5.) What questions will I ask my subject during the interview process? How will I approach difficult or unpleasant topics?
6.) Have I talked to others who understand my subject or might see my subject with different eyes? What insight have or will they be able to give me?
7.) Do I understand what motivates my subject, and will I make that clear to readers? How will I make my story rich with vivid, memorable details about my subject?
8.) How is my subject different from others? How is my subject the same as others?
Part II (60 Points): Outline/Planning
1. Complete the outline template on page 2 of this document.
2. Fill in all sections.
Use complete sentences for the hook, thesis statement, topic sentences, and concluding sentences.
4. Click here for help with paragraph development.
5. Do not delete the questions; treat this document like a worksheet.
I Introduction
A. Hook (1-3 complete sentences
B. Thesis Statement (1-2 complete sentences – must directly refer to profiled individual and their traits/qualities, which you will “show” throughout the writing; it cannot be an announcement
II. Body Paragraph 1
A. Complete Topic Sentence:
1. Planned Support (summary of supporting points):
B. Complete Concluding Sentence:
III. Body Paragraph 2
A. Complete Topic Sentence:
1. Planned Support (summary of supporting points):
B. Complete Concluding Sentence:
III. Body Paragraph 3
A. Complete Topic Sentence:
1. Planned Support (summary of supporting points):
B. Complete Concluding Sentence:
Note: Continue to add sections for as many body paragraphs as you will need.
IV. Conclusion
A. Summary of plan to tie everything together.