Journal Question 5: Discuss your understanding of the scope, purpose, and functi

Journal Question 5:
Discuss your understanding of the scope, purpose, and function of the Institutional Review Boards (IRB).
Journal Question 6: 
Reflecting on your progress with preparing your IRB application, what aspect of the process do you find most challenging? Why? What strategies are you putting in place to address the challenges?
the Institutional Review Board (IRB) as it relates to the DNP Project. Aspen University’s Institutional Review Board works to ensure no harm will come to the human subjects which are involved in any study. Before any research, data collection, or contact with subjects can be initiated, official approval from the University Institutional Review Board (IRB) must be granted. Only the IRB has the authority to approve research, regardless of the level of risk or type of request (exempt, expedited, or full review). Faculty members, chairs, university personnel, and staff do not have this authority.
The purpose of the IRB is to ensure that human subjects’ protections and rights, including their data, are considered and evaluated. Before research can begin, students need to seek approval from the University IRB, which will examine the student’s research proposal to determine what kinds of risks, if any, are potentially involved. Every student must complete all of the proper forms for the IRB application and submit them to the Faculty Chair for review. The Faculty Chair, who is also the instructor for the DNP project courses, will need to sign each form of the IRB application before the Faculty Chair submits the materials to the IRB committee. Once the IRB application is received, the committee will review the material and determine approval or denial. 
application for Institutional Review Board determination. In addition to the Aspen University IRB application, the student may have a site-based IRB application that needs to be completed. If a site-based IRB application is required, that application will be submitted according to the process outlined by the site.
When applying to the Aspen University IRB, the following items must be included along with the application:
Cover letter addressing the IRB committee
Approval of the DNP proposal
Site Approval Letter
Application for IRB
Chapters 1-3 of the DNP Manuscript
Citi Completion certificates
Implementation Timeline
Informed consent form – if applicable
Informed letter for participants – if applicable
Site-based IRB approval letter – if applicable
XXX survey/screening tool – if applicable
XXX Permission for Use of Tool – required if using a survey/screening
HIPAA Authorization Form -if applicable
Copy of educational materials being presented (video/PPT/handouts) – if applicable
Pre-test-Post test for XXX education – if applicable