rewrite in my own words answering the following questions: discuss whether there

rewrite in my own words answering the following questions:
discuss whether there is any evidence that initial “poor laws” and programs designed to help the poor were evidence-based?
If so, please state your case with facts. If not, what were they based on? Provide an analysis on this.
The set of legislation that led to the creation of the Poor Law signified a change in how the impoverished in England were treated. The nation had previously relied on private charity to help the underprivileged. But as the impoverished population increased dramatically during the 16th century, this strategy was no longer effective. Many workers’ standards of living drastically declined, particularly in the countryside, as a result of factors such as population growth, poor harvests, rising food prices, and a decline in agricultural jobs. As the number of vagrants roaming the streets increased, it was evident that government intervention was necessary due to the severity of the issue. It established different classes for the impoverished and dictated how they were to be treated.
Those who were too young, too old, or too ill to work were considered the “deserving poor.” The people who were willing and able to work but couldn’t find employment were known as the “deserving unemployed.” The government decided these two groups deserved assistance. The third group, known as the “undeserving poor,” consisted of people who were able to work but chose to live a life of prostitution or crime instead. These individuals were subjected to severe penalties, such as public whippings. For over 200 years, England’s poor relief program was based on the Poor Law. Its maintenance costs were high despite the services it offered. The government’s obligation to help those in need financially was established by the Poor Laws, and social welfare programs like Medicaid, food stamps, and unemployment benefits still operate on this tenet today.
Having worked in the human services sector for a while, I can comprehend how the Poor Laws classified people according to their social class. That is comparable to our social class and welfare system as well as the world of today. The distinction lies in the fact that individuals who are deemed “undeserving poor” today might actually be undiagnosed cases of mental illness.
English poor laws. (2016, December 1). Social Welfare History Project.
Lane, S. R., Palley, E. S., & Shdaimah, C. S. (2019). Social welfare policy in a changing world. SAGE Publications.
The National Plan to End Poverty. (2020, August 21). The Poor Law of 1601 – the National Plan to End Poverty.