Submit a 500 word Reflection Paper that connects the field work completed to th

Submit a 500 word Reflection Paper that connects the field work
completed to the LO.  How did you apply laws in your field site?  What
laws framed the procedures you needed to follow in your field work?  How
so laws create, inform or constrain the work of your field agency? Make
sure to refer specifically to the proficient/exemplary indicators for
CLO 3 indicators:
1) EMERGING Student is in the process of learning foundational laws
2) DEVELOPING Student has knowledge of
some or all foundational laws and is in the process of developing
proficiency in situational applications
3) PROFICIENT Student applies appropriate foundational laws within a variety of contexts
4) EXEMPLARY Student situationally applies appropriate laws in nearly all contexts
LO 3
This learning outcome deals specifically
with understanding the application of various types of law.  You may
practice this overtly in your field work.  If you do not you may have to
do further research on your field site agency to find out how the law
effects the work they do.
This is for field experience for Criminal Justice. Mostly ride a longs with police officers. We have done almost entirely nothing but traffic stops. Speeding, expired insurance, driving while suspended, driving without a license, rolling through stop signs, etc. None have resulted in arrests. Just traffic citations and court dates. These all utilize this:
The Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is a compilation of Public Acts, organized by Chapter and Act number under nine topical categories.
Public Acts are bills that have been passed by the Illinois General
Assembly and signed by the Governor. Most, but not all, Public Acts are
incorporated into the ILCS.
Example Driving without a license:
Under Illinois law, 625 ILCS 5/6-101, you may face a maximum
penalty of 180 days in jail and a $1,500.00 fine for driving without a
valid license if the offense is charged as a Class B misdemeanor. Class A misdemeanors carry a maximum 12 months jail sentence and $2,500.00 fine.