you need to create a website link for this assignment. This is all my previous w

you need to create a website link for this assignment.
This is all my previous work that i have done that yu need to create this wbsite : 
Part 1 – Target Audience & Topic
1. Topie Chosen: Social Cognitive Theory
2. Importance for the Target Audience: Understanding Social Cognitive Theory is crucial for gamers as it provides insights into how individuals learn, develop, and behave within gaming communities. For gamers, interaction within virtual environments is a significant aspect of their experience. Social Cognitive Theory helps them comprehend how their actions, choices, and interactions influence not only their own gameplay but also the
broader gaming community , Moreover.
it addresses issues such as gaming addiction, online harassment, and the impact of gaming on mental health, which are pertinent concerns for this demographic.
3. Teaching Approaches: Utlizing a combination of interactive gaming workshops, online
forums, and multimedia presentations can effectively convey the princinles of Social
Cognitive Theory to gamers, Incorporating case studies, real-life cxamples from popular games, and testimonials from experenced gamers can make the learnme experience engaging and relatable, Additionally, incorporating gamification elements into the teaching process can enhance participation and retention of concents
4.Target Audience : Gamers 
5.Unique Attributes of the Target Audience: Gamers are a diverse group, ranging from
casual players to hardcore enthusiasts, with varying levels of gaming experience and
preferences. They are typically tech-savvy individuals who are highly engaged in online
communities and forums related to gaming. Gamers often value autonomy, interactivity,
and instant feedback, which should be considered when designing educational materials.
6. Media Consumption Ilabits: Gamers primarly consume media through digital
platforms such as gaming consoles, computers, smartphones, and streamung services. They frequently engage with content on social media, gaming forums, YouTube, and Twitch. Therefore, incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, livestreams, and interactive simulations into the teaching process can effetively capture their attention and lacilitate learning.
7. Designing Appropriate Medin Content: Yes, it is possible to design media content
specifically tailored to gamers. Interactive gaming workshops can simulate real-life
gaming scenarios, allowing participants to apply Social Cognitive Theory principles in a
virtual environment. Online forums and discussion boards can lacilitate peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange among gamers. Additionally, creating educational videos or podcasts featuring gaming experts and psychologists discussing relevant topics
can provide valuable insights and perspectives. 
Theory Chosen: Social Cognitive Theory
Creator(s): Albert Bandura, a psychologist, established the Social Cognitive Theory
Fundamental Principles or Forecasts: According to the Social Cognitive Theory, learning happens when people watch, copy, and model behaviors they see in other people. It also happens when those behaviors are rewarded or punished. The theory places a strong emphasis on how cognitive functions like motivation, memory, and attention affect behavior. Key ideas
include reciprocal determinism, which holds that behavior, environment, and personal
characteristics interact and impact each other bidirectionally, and self-efficacy, which describes a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in particular conditions.
Application in Real-World Contexts: A variety of real-world contexts, such as online gaming communities, can benefit from the application of social cognitive theory. When playing video games, people watch and pick up tips from other players* actions, whether through online
forums, tutorials, or in-game encounters. For instance, players may take notes on the tactics used by more seasoned players and then emulate them in their own gaming. The theory further explains how social factors that can impact people’s gaming activities include peer pressure and social norms within gaming communities.
Forecasts: We can infer from Social Cognitive Theory that people who have a high level of sell-efficacy, a measure of their perceived competence as gamers–are more indined to take up difficult gameplay and persevere in the face of setbacks. Additionally, those who receive praise
for their accomplishments in games are more inclined to keep playing and possibly even get more aggressive. On the other hand, those with poor self-efficacy could shy away from difficult games or quit up quickly when things get tough.
Supporting Items: Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Prentice-Hail.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Social Cognitive Theory.
including its key concepts and applications in various domains.” Social Cognitive Theory in Context: Applying Social Cognitive Theory to the
Mass Media* by Dal Cin et al. (2009)
News Article: Leveling Up, How Social Cognitive Theory Powers Gamer Success
Learn how Social Cognitive Theory affects video game communities and player actions!As Albert Bandura proposed, the theory accounts for the fact that learning occurs through observation, imitation, and modeling, mainly governed by motivations and rewards. As a gamer, anything your peers do in tutorials or during live gameplay helps advance your skills and what
yo Dearn to think about the game. Using this concept can enhance your ability to face more challenging situations comfortably. Just think of all the self-efficacy and reciprocal determinism
functions that have emerged in the gameplay domain, allowing you to push through those challenging levels and finally get down those difficult strategies. Stay tuned to see how these realizations transform your gameplay; every session is a stepping stone to eventual gaming
Blog Post: Master the Game Applying Social Cognitive Theory in Every Session
Ever wondered how the best gamers are able to excel? It isn’t just practice it’s ; Social Cognitive Theory at work in gaming. According to Albert Bandura, your gaming accomplishments are not only because of hand-eye coordination but also due to cognitive functions, such as memory,
attention, and motivation. This theory emphasizes the interdependence of the environment, behaviors, and personal characteristics that affect your gaming ability. You learn by modelling
and embedding that skill into your dodging strategies of bullets or your strategies for real-time strategy games by finding the patterns other great players have experienced. On the other hand,
rewards and feedback in gaming, such as reaching a higher level and in-game kudos, boost your self-efficacy and further activate you to go longer and tackle more significant challenges. So,read this blog to learn how to use the Social Cognitive Theory to optimize your gameplay and get to new peaks.
1. Interactive Online Game: Take off on an amazing journey with “Theory Quest” into the worlds of psychology and gaming! Take a journey with your fellow gamers to discover the secrets of Social Cognitive Theory and how it affects online gaming communities. Discover how cognitive
processes like motivation, memory, and attention affect your game experience as you navigate through interactive obstacles and make important decisions. Gain experience points, advance your abilities, and grasp the virtual environment and its underlying philosophy. Are you prepared to go out on the greatest gaming adventure?
2. Social Media Campaign: “Mindset Mastery” With the help of our “Mindset Mastery” social media campaign, explore the field of game psychology! Join us as we delve into the intriguing world of social cognitive theory and how it relates to gaming on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Find bite-sized movies and eye-catching visuals that simplify difficult subjects into easily understood educational morsels. Take part in interactive discussions, polls, and quizzes to learn more and establish connections with other players. Take “Mindset Mastery” to elevate your gaming attitude and join the conversation!