Essay #3: Analysis of Popular Culture Topic from Signs of Life, Chpt. 3, 4, 5, 6

Essay #3: Analysis of Popular Culture Topic from
Signs of Life, Chpt. 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to write a 5-7 page essay (standard 10 or 12 point font) that examines a topic related to one of the readings from Chpt. 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 in Signs of Life.
Choose a selection that interested you, from the readings that have been assigned so far
Choose an essay topic from the “Reading the Signs” section after the reading.
Locate and use 5-7 sources for your essay:
at least TWO sources should be from peer-reviewed academic journals
at least THREE sources should be other types listed on pp. 67-69 of SOL // Note: You don’t have to use the exact sources listed on these pages, but you should choose those KINDS of sources to quote and cite in your paper.)
Using evidence, support your argument in a rational and thoughtful manner. Make sure that your essay is typed and double-spaced, and follows proper MLA format.
Your essay should contain the following elements:
A creative title that tells your reader about your essay
An introductory paragraph that introduces your topic, at least two sources, and concludes with your thesis statement.
Body paragraphs that include support from sources for the claims you have argued/ EACH
Body paragraph should quote and cite a source at least once.
Textual evidence: At least 5 Sources which are quoted and cited in your paper
Body paragraphs that offer main points related to your thesis
Topic and concluding sentences that express YOUR main points and relate back to your thesis statement (avoid quotations in topic and concluding sentences)
Clear transitions between main points
An articulate conclusion that offers a new reflection on the thesis
Clear MLA parenthetical citation and a works cited page
Your final essay should be as error-free as possible. Chapter 5