Infancy Case Study Discussion. Read and respond to the case study, Pietra at 11

Infancy Case Study Discussion. Read and respond to the case study, Pietra at 11 months. Use the information from all informational class sources in order to respond to the case study. Follow the format (NAME-REFLECT-ACT), which is explained below, to form your response.
Case Study
Purpose: Students will synthesize their understandings of developmental theory and the current research base in order to propose solutions to problems presented in various case studies.
• Name—Identify one problem.
• Reflect—Identify all of the stakeholders and their positions relative to the problem.
• Act—Choose one solution to your proposed problem and make a case for your choice.  Be sure to incorporate theory and research, from the articles, the chapters, and the video clips, to support your identified solution to the problem.
Case Study-Pietra at 11 Months
Pietra Ramirez is the 11-month-old daughter of Paulo Ramirez and Rita Muniz. It is late September. Pietra’s older brother, Paulo Jr., a newly minted 5th grader, has just entered middle school in their neighborhood. While the move from elementary to middle school often marks a child’s transition from childhood to the teen years, this particular move has proven to be particularly difficult for Pietra’s entire family.
Pietra’s mother and father have spent the last of their financial resources making sure that Paulo Jr. has the things that all middle schoolers want and need for school. Pencils, notebooks, a backpack, shoes, uniform pants, and shirts were all purchased out of mom’s bi-monthly paycheck. Although gainfully employed, Rita is stretching every dollar of the family’s income these days. She spends much of her waking moments worrying about how to make ends meet. While she is not married to Pietra and Paulo’s father, Rita considers Paulo Sr. and their two children very much a family.
Rita and Paulo both come from large Latino families. They met while they were both students at Roman University. Like many second-generation Latinxs, Rita and Paulo were the first children in their respective families to attend college. For that reason, they bonded quickly. They attended classes together, graduated together and both found jobs in sales soon after. Ten years after graduating from college, they purchased their first home together. They realized their American dream only weeks before Rita gave birth to their son Paulo Jr.
Collectively, Rita and Paulo have earned good incomes. They have been responsible with their money. They were confident in their collective futures, so much so that they planned and successfully added to their family with the birth of Pietra nearly one year ago. Unfortunately, like many middle-class Americans, the Ramirez-Muniz family has been negatively affected by the country’s recent economic downturn. Paulo Sr. has recently lost his job of ten years. Because the company declared bankruptcy, he was left with no severance pay.
As the crisp September air moves through the tree-lined streets of Pietra’s neighborhood it carries with it the voices of Rita and Paulo, arguing yet again about money. Paulo spends what Rita tries to save. His sullen mood and impulsive behaviors have impacted the entire family.
Pietra has quickly become a child at risk. Given the family’s current circumstances, Pietra is likely to have a number of normative and non-normative developmental issues that should be of concern to Rita and Paulo. Theoretical perspectives to consider include Bronfrenbrenner, Piaget, Vygotsky, and Chomsky. 
Case study:500 words 
Classmates reply-100-200 words