Introduction (150-300 words) • state why the topic is important • Briefly define

Introduction (150-300 words)
• state why the topic is important
• Briefly define key ideas
• outline the essay’s approach to the topic
• outline different views presented
Main body (650-900 words)
• key points supported by facts/evidence/examples
• cite relevant support sources
• present, synthesise & evaluate different viewpoints
The conclusion (200-300 words)
• summarise main points
• draw logical conclusion(s)
How will this assessment be marked?
You will receive a mark for each of these categories:
• Knowledge & Understanding (30%)
(The breadth and depth of the points you make)
• Analysis & Evaluation (30%)
(How well you analyse and evaluate all the issues you mention)
• Academic Integrity (20%)
(How correctly you use academic conventions, e.g. citations, references, quotations and paraphrase; whether data/facts presented are genuine and accurate)
• Academic Skills (20%)
(How well you communicate your ideas; the tone and accuracy of your language)
Your overall mark will be calculated as the weighted average of the four and will be reported as a percentage.