Objective The objective is to identify and research 18 illustrations in advertis

The objective is to identify and research 18 illustrations in advertising, television, or online that portray stereotypes, sexism, prejudice, and/or a discrimination against one or more minority groups. Second to recognize how society normalizes prejudice and racist connotation and how to identify the signs/symbolism, using semiotics because on many occasions they reflect stereotypes, racial profiling, and negative metaphors hidden in plain site.
Look up 18 images from the bullet point categories below.
The images should be labeled and/or categorized in its appropriate title, such as “Sexist Billboards”. “Sexist Cartoon”, “Racist TV Ads”, “Racist Logos”.
Write a captions under each image and apply the key terms to help identify and/or describe the prejudice. stereotype, and discrimination
Write a reflection analysis deconstructing your research, answering and addressing all of the questions and bullet points below.
Number # each image, so that when you talk about it in your reflection paper I know what image your talking about.
Look up 18 images from the bullet point categories below.
These images can either be from the past or present.
It is recommended that you research ads that are over a 100 years old, so that you can compare and contrast them when you write your reflection paper.
You may also want to look up specific sexist and racist ads focused on a particular ethnic group when you do your online image search:
Examples: Mexican Racist Ads, or Black Racist Ads, Sexist Asian ads, etc.
Look up images within the following categories:
3 SEXIST Billboards or Logos
3 SEXIST TV or Magazine Ads
3 SEXIST Cartoons or Comics
Look up different ethnic groups,
3 RACIST Billboards or Logos
3 RACIST TV or Magazine Ads
3 RACIST Cartoons or Comics
The objective is to diagnose each image and identify the what type of prejudices and/or discrimination is associated to each of the images.
You will need to apply as many key terms as possible, but you will need to start reading, studying, and reviewing all the key terms & definitions, so that you can apply them not only to this assignment but to all your future assignments and discussions.
Although some key terms can describe many of the images; avoid using the same terms, take this opportunity to learn new terminology that will help you identify the different forms and types of prejudices and discrimination that were unknown to you before. This strategy is called applied learning and it refers to an educational approach whereby students learn by engaging in direct application of skills, theories and models.
Under each image you select, you will write a caption: 3 to 5 sentences, beneath each image, describing the prejudices, discrimination, stereotype, racism, etc.
Explain what makes the content and/or context inappropriate or politically incorrect, using your key terms.
Keep in mind that these prejudices and/or stereotypes may be subliminally camouflaged thus hidden in plain sight, while other times the content and context are very obvious, direct, and blunt.
Reflection-Analysis Papers:
Your reflection paper should be between 600 to 800 words anything less will result to you losing points. Your reflection paper is where you will intellectually analyze and deconstruct the content and/or context, where you will decolonize your critical thinking skills and where you will provide your feeling, thoughts, and opinion/s about the content and context with the images you researched. Students’ reflection paper should answer and address all of the points and/or questions listed below.
Identify at least three things you learned while completing this assignment.
Which 3 images stood out to you the most, explain why?
Students will explain, describe, identify, and/or translate what s/he/ or they understood, thought, felt, liked, or disliked about the content and context.
What were the most common types of prejudices, stereotypes, or discrimination you found?
In total, how many key terms did you apply within all of your captions
Which key term stood out to you the most and why?
Describe how this assignment was relevant to Introduction to Ethnic Studies?
Assignments Layout, Guidelines, & Student Expectations:
All Ethnic Studies Assignments will be submitted as a Word doc.
All assignments must have a title
Students are to use “black” Tahoma or Times New Roman font:
White background, NO colored backgrounds.
Font size 12,
Double space,
1” (inch) margins all around
Use proper essay format, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure.
Students are to complete and abide by the rubric guidelines to avoid losing points
You are to upload and submit the numbered 18 images, Summary, reflection, and within the same document that by the due date.
Submission Guidelines
For this assignment, when you select the Submit Assignment button, a file upload box will open.
you may use some of the key terms below.