The essay instructions have been attached below. I  want the essay written on th

The essay instructions have been attached below. I  want the essay written on the movie Safe by Todd Haynes and want to address why the main character Carols sickness is not a real one and the implications of the sickness, so I would want to base the thesis    around the limits of diagnosis and how carols sickness relates to that but you can make that your own. I need to use 3 academic sources and cite them in    APA format. The first citation will be: Stuber, D. (2005). Patient Zero? Illness and Vulnerability in Todd Haynes’s [Safe] 1 . Parallax, 11(2), 81–92. . Then the second will be: Lessy, R. E. (2006). Feminist Treatment: Illness and Impasse in Todd Haynes’s Safe. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 7(4), 291–308. . Then the third will be: Bouchard, D., & Desai, J. (2005). “There’s Nothing More Debilitating than Travel”: Locating US Empire in Todd Haynes’ Safe . Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 22(4), 359–370. . These can be in any order and honestly you can use a different one if it’s a proper academic resource. Just try to find the parts they talk about the sickness and how the film goes about portraying these things. Please go off the instructions below. Thanks! (I’ve also attached the articles in the citations below so you can use them)