“The Impact of CNN and Al Jazeera on Global Media and Policymaking: A Critical Analysis”

Please answer the following question in approximately 1000 words (+/-
250). In answering, illustrate your arguments with concepts and
concrete examples and make certain that you address the question. You
should draw upon both the lectures and readings in formulating your
It is often argued that CNN and 24/7 news have transformed the relationship
between the media and policymakers and al Jazeera has contested the Western
framing of news on the global stage such that we can talk about a media induced
transformation of time, space, and perspective. According to Livingston, “We may
speak of the CNN effect as 1) a policy agenda-setting agent, 2) an impediment to
the achievement of desired policy goals, and 3) an accelerant to policy decision
making.” Given what you have learned from the lectures and the readings (Gilboa,
Bennett and Livingston and Livingston on CNN and Seib and Ricchiardi on al
Jazeera), what are the important things to consider in the conduct of the debate
about the CNN and al Jazeera effects (remember to use examples to buttress your
argument with respect to particular cases)? 

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