Follow the template A3 to guide what needs to be followed  Attached are also res

Follow the template A3 to guide what needs to be followed 
Attached are also resources which can be used through the assessment 
The artefact will need to dicuss using digital literacies for children between three to five years of age 
Assessment headings
The following headings should be used in your assessment (you may include additional headings):
Briefly describe your topic and the artefact you will be sharing
Introduce why this topic and artefact are important to your setting
Topic information
Describe the topic in more detail
How is the topic connected to the literature
My artefact 
Include the artefact here (eg. workshop PP)
Practice to theory connections
Explain how your artefact connects to the theories you have learned and the literature. For example, you might talk about how it connects to socio-cultural theory as well as the theories related to literacy learning.
Briefly summarise what you have done and what you have learned.
You may include photos, tables, diagrams, short video or audio files. Let you imagination guide you.
Please use APA format in your referencing.