Title: Exploring Strategic Approaches and Implications for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Enterprises

Instructions:  Choose ONE of the following.  Include the prompt in your answer.
What are the nine approaches Bryson describes as options for the identification of strategic issues?
Renz and Herman distinguish between “program evaluation” and “organizational effectiveness evaluation.” What is the difference? And why is it important?
What are the implications of Renz and Herman’s perspective for managing nonprofit organizations? What are the implications of their perspective for the work of boards and their members?
One useful framework for understanding the range of options for social entrepreneurship is the “social enterprise spectrum.” Describe this continuum and explain the key elements of enterprise that are described on the spectrum. What differentiates social enterprise from commercial enterprise?
What are the four broad areas of examination that a nonprofit should consider as it weighs the merits of launching an earned-income (i.e., commercial) venture?
What are three types of legal constraints that have an influence on the earned-income options of a U.S. nonprofit organization?
Reading material on Kindel: 
The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management,

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