“Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Adolescent Substance Abuse: A Case Study”

Select a client from your fieldwork (Teen group IOP is mine) who might benefit from cognitive/behavioral treatment. If you do not have an appropriate client, consider using someone you know, or yourself. Describe your client’s presenting problem. Conduct an assessment identifying the target problems and discussing the methods used to collect your data (logs, journals, daily record or automatic thoughts, standardized tests). Do a literature review and summarize the state of evidence regarding the use of CBT for your client’s presenting problem and sociodemographic characteristics (minimum 3 references; no more than one page). 
Develop a cognitive case conceptualization based on your client’s presenting issues and your assessment. Identify the relevant cognitive errors in your clients thinking and how you determined these errors. Provide examples of thought records or other examples of how you established the presence of these errors with your client. Next, describe what underlying intermediate and core beliefs you feel are reflected in your client’s thinking and where they come from. End with a description of the CBT techniques and strategies you would use to modify your client’s core beliefs and a rationale for why you believe the identified techniques/strategies would be helpful. 
This paper should be 6 pages in length, typewritten, double spaced, and referenced in APA format. Include a bibliography of work that is appropriate to your topic. Include computerized or neatly, hand drawn graphs. Your paper will be evaluated, in part, on the significance of your literature review. Submit some illustration of your work (i.e.: a page from a client log identifying automatic thoughts, a process recording that shows how you used the model in practice, etc.)

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