Title: “Exploring the Significance of the Egyptian Statue of Khafre” The Egyptian Statue of Khafre, also known as the “Khafre Enthroned,” is a remarkable piece of ancient Egyptian art that holds

Answer the question in 300 words USE THE LINKS
Address the following in a 300-word post 
What is important or unique with this work as compared with other objects from Egyptian Art?
[this can be aesthetic, meaning, material, or historical], what is its particular function in society, and does the form reflect or not reflect it?
If the Khan entry is not significant enough, access other credible resources such as the Met or similar institutions.
There are two main components of a discussion forum you must complete both in order to get full credit.

The post Title: “Exploring the Significance of the Egyptian Statue of Khafre”

The Egyptian Statue of Khafre, also known as the “Khafre Enthroned,” is a remarkable piece of ancient Egyptian art that holds appeared first on get essay fast.