The Assignment: The Social-Ecological Model  Page 1: A visual depiction of the SEM specific to the assigned health topic and chosen target group Intrapersonal (biological, personal kn

The Assignment: The Social-Ecological Model 

Page 1: A visual depiction of the SEM specific to the assigned health topic and chosen target group

  • Intrapersonal (biological, personal knowledge, attitudes, and skills)
    • Label the intrapersonal factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources. 
  • Interpersonal (families, friends, social networks)
    • Label the interpersonal factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.
  • Institutional (environment, social institutions)
    • Label the institutional factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.
  • Community (relationships between organizations, cultural values)
    • Label the community factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.
  • Societal (national, state, and local laws and regulations, norms)
    • Label the societal factors that can/do influence the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.

Page 2: A narrative explanation of the visual depiction created on Page 1

  • Explain how an individual in your chosen target group is influenced by the SEM and factors identified in the visual depiction created.
  • Remember to cite your sources within your text where you refer to them, using APA format. 
  • Be sure to include peer-reviewed journal articles that establish evidence-based research for your responses.

Page 3: References

  • Include APA references for all cited resources. 

The condition is Coronary heart disease and the Target population is African American

Reources you will need   

  • Bosslet, L. (2016, June 30). How we use the socio-ecological model to address gun violenceLinks to an external site. [Blog post]. Public Health Insider.
  • Caperon, L., Arjyal, A, Puja, K. C., Kuikel, J., Newell, J., Peters, R., Prestwich, A., & King, R. (2019). Developing a socio-ecological model of dietary behaviour for people living with diabetes or high blood glucose levels in urban Nepal: A qualitative investigationLinks to an external site.PLOS ONE,14(3), e0214142.

 Children’s Advocacy Center. (n.d.). The social-ecological model: A framework for preventionLinks to an external site.. 


  • DiClemente, R. J., Salazar, L. F., & Crosby, R. A. (2019). Health behavior in the context of the ‘new’ public health. In Health behavior theory for public health: Principles, foundations, and applications (2nd ed., pp. 1–24). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • DiClemente, R. J., Salazar, L. F., & Crosby, R. A. (2019). How theory informs health promotion and public health practice. In Health behavior theory for public health: Principles, foundations, and applications (2nd ed., pp. 25–40). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Golden, S. D., McLeroy, K. R., Green, L. W., Earp, J. A., & Lieberman, L. D. (2015). Upending the social ecological model to guide health promotion efforts toward policy and environmental changeLinks to an external site.. Health Education and Behavior, 42(Suppl. 1).