Title: Streamlining Business Operations through Effective Customer Relations Management: A Plan for Attracting New Customers

This paper exercise is designed to have you study the importance of Customer Relations Managements to streamlining business operations. Select a company of your choice to use in this hypothetical. Make sure to include examples to support material learned in class.  
You have been hired as the Customer Relation Manager of the selected company. The company wants to attract new customers. Upper management wants you to describe your plan to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of finding customers.  
Important Concepts 
The following is the format for constructing your paper on Streamlining Business Operations. Please remember that your own creativity and style are critical in any report. 
Introduction – In one paragraph describe the objective of this paper, the job of a customer relations manager. 
Technology – Describe the technology that you would use. Explain how it will be used. 
Strategies – Describe your CRM strategies. 
Conclusions or Summary: Write short paragraph summarize your plan.  

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