Below I had attached a bit about myself. You do not necessarily have to add all

Below I had attached a bit about myself. You do not necessarily have to add all this but this is just a background. I need this personal statement to be very captivating and also very authentic. Also it does not have to be like grammartlly correct, it could be told as a story however it needs to be unique! be as creative as you can. 
The question if you need it is:
Write a statement expressing your motivation and desire to become a physician assistant. Keep statement general as it is shared with all programs. Don’t exceed 5,000 characters. 
As a first-generation, bilingual college student from a single-parent, low-income household, my personal journey has profoundly shaped my aspiration to become a Physician Assistant (PA). The unique challenges of my upbringing, particularly the financial struggles due to my mother’s undocumented status and the absence of my father, have instilled a deep understanding of the socio-economic barriers that many face in accessing healthcare.
Our family’s interaction with a compassionate PA during my brother’s birth was transformative. This PA did more than provide medical care; she educated us about essential nutrition and connected us to crucial support programs like DV shelters, WIC, rental assistance, and the scope of our Medicaid coverage. Her holistic approach not only alleviated the immense burden on my mother but also highlighted the pivotal role PAs can play in addressing both health and socio-economic needs.
This experience has driven me to pursue a career where I can advocate for preemptive care and ensure that all populations have access to comprehensive medical resources and community services. My goal is to emulate the dedication I witnessed by pushing the boundaries of patient education and enabling individuals to proactively manage their health concerns. By integrating my background and bilingual skills, I aim to enhance the inclusivity and accessibility of healthcare, ensuring that those at and below the poverty line receive both the medical attention and socio-economic support they critically need.