Choose ONE of the topics below. Look at 4 or 5 scenes in the novel and use one

Choose ONE of the topics below. Look at 4 or 5 scenes in the novel and use one or two of the essays I sent on the novel to support your arguments. Analyze relevant themes, movements, and developments within the work as connected to your chosen topic. Discuss the trajectory of the novel – how does it begin; what are some of the images, symbols, metaphors it offers to illustrate your argument about the narrative. What is a curse? How do the different elements (loved ones, people in his community, masculinity, experiences of immigration) and institutions (political) fall under the curse’s influence? How does the curse impact the characters in the novel? What steps does Oscar take to change his life and create a future? How do you interpret the end of the novel?

*Make sure to quote the text and closely analyze the metaphors and symbols, the tone and/or feeling of each scene or stanza demonstrating their connection to your claims and arguments.

** Include a thesis statement in your introduction that explicitly states what aspect of the novel your paper will be analyzing.